RTG News

The Final Issue:
November 2002

RTG published a newsletter for many years. We ceased publication of RTG News at the end of 2002.

All the issues beginning with 1995 are currently online, plus "classics" from earlier years.



January 2002: Custom reports in RTG Bills; Hiding clients; Hiding matters; Deleting matters; The archive file; File extensions

March 2002: Client cover pages; Client-level retainers

May 2002: Klez worm; RTG Scripts; Features of RTG Scripts; An add-on product for RTG Bills

July 2002: Klez worm, Part 2; RTG Upgrade; Spelling and the U.K. dictionary

September 2002: Backing up a PC; What is a backup for?; CD-RW backups; Zip drives; What to back up; Backup software; Recommendations

November 2002: Split billing; Unapplied payments; Backing up a PC, part 2



January 2001: RTG Bills Version 2.03 adds new features; New RTG Reports; Great free software; E-mail: Eudora in Light Mode; File compression: PowerArchiver; File synchronization: qFileSync; Print to e-mail: eFax Messenger Plus

March 2001: Relational databases; A database query; What the database software does; Where is the relational database?; Item numbers in RTG Bills; Improved backup command

May 2001: Web browsers; Problems with sound; Changing a matter number

July 2001: Did you back up today?; RTG Bills upgrades; RTG Bills Version 2.05 adds new features

September 2001: "Billing Made Easy"; Better slide shows; Sound test; Upgrading RTG Timer for the Palm computer

November 2001: Windows XP; RTG Bills and Windows XP; More retainer accounts



January 2000: Some microprocessor history; AMD Athlon overtakes Intel Pentium III; Do we need faster processors?; New low-power processor; Millennium bug strikes RTG Bills; Correctly importing Quicken transactions

March 2000: New version of RTG Bills; RTG offers toll-free ordering; RTG Bills on CD-ROM; Free utility: RTG Copy

May 2000: RTG Timer for Palm computers; Sending bills by e-mail; HotSend vs. Adobe Acrobat; Look up matter by bill number

July 2000: New version of RTG Bills; Spell checker; Other new features; Upgrading from Version 1; Sneak preview; New Web server

September 2000: RTG Bills Version 2 Installation; RTG E-Bills; PayPal

November 2000: Insufficient memory; System resources; User resources and GDI resources; Resource leaks; International PayPal accounts



January 1999: The Windows 98 Task Scheduler; Creating a new task; Scheduling tape backups; Rotating tapes; Softfile reminders; Download Softfile for free

March 1999: Web portals; Search engines and directories; Convergence; Personal portals; The Amazing Portal Generator; Use the portal as your home page

May 1999: Conversion to RTG Bills from Timeslips; What gets converted; Try before you buy; New version of RTG Names

July 1999: Finding Y2K problems; Fixing the operating system; Checking applications; RTG Bills and the year 2000; RTG Bills bug reported; Two RTG Names bugs fixed

September 1999: Speech input for RTG Bills; Problem buttons; Recent matters; Entering fees; Is it worthwhile?; Hardware requirements

November 1999: Using RTG Bills with Microsoft Outlook; What's in a client name?; New RTG Bills calculates taxes; Matter discount; Summarize expenses; Historical bills; RTG Timer enhancements; Releasing Timer transactions; Other features; Free upgrade



January 1998: New version of RTG Bills released; New features; Upgrades are available; Free zip compression software

March 1998: The tab control; Tab navigation; Tab confusion; More tab confusion; Tab controls in RTG Bills; Free Netscape Navigator

May 1998: The Windows 95 registry; Registry problems; Corruption Scenario #1; Corruption Scenario #2; Corruption Scenario #3; The official solution; Restore from tape backup; Re-install Windows; A poor design?; RTG Bills and the registry

July 1998: New version of RTG Bills; Bills and Timer tutorials; Windows 98; Questionable features; Need more disk space?; Converting to FAT32

September 1998: Electronic software delivery; Security system for RTG Bills; Design criteria; RTG Users; Logging in; How secure is it?; RTG Timer security; Availability

November 1998: Searching the Web; Looking for RTG; Surprising search results; Final test results



January 1997: RTG Bills update released; Misleading CD-ROM speed ratings; Free DOS utility on RTG web site; HP LaserJet 5L

March 1997: The Pilot organizer; Writing with Graffiti; Integration with a PC; New Pilot models; Who needs it?; Wireless printing

May 1997: How to fix your computer; The Windows 95 keyboard; A better keyboard layout; Damaged 3.5" disks; RTG Bills slide shows on the Web

July 1997: New version of RTG Names; Finding a name; Sorting the names; Pasting the address; Using RTG Names with RTG Bills; Importing names and addresses; Your choice: $15 or free; Corel WordPerfect Suite 8; New RTG address

September 1997: Are bigger floppy disks needed?; The 100-megabyte floppy; Replacing the floppy drive; Zip drive or LS-120?; Organizing your work in folders

November 1997: Searches on the intranet; A small text database; Web page searches; Relational database searches; Customizing Softfile; A Windows 95 Web server



January 1996: Waiting for WordPerfect; Is your computer too slow?

March 1996: Tape drive capacity; Windows 95 crashes; The voice-activated typewriter: coming soon?

May 1996: The growth of the intranet; Beyond browsing: forms; Beyond forms: Java; The Web PC; The Web PC for business; Faxes and the PC

July 1996: WordPerfect for Windows 95

September 1996: RTG's web site; Configure a PC on the web; Memory upgrades

November 1996: Software bug costs $363 million; The Year 2000 Problem; Example 1: WordPerfect 7; Example 2: Quattro Pro 7; Example 3: Quicken 3 and 5



January 1995: The Intel Pentium bug

March 1995: Slow printing in Windows; Not all Courier fonts are the same; Faster WordPerfect printing

May 1995: The Internet; Internet features; How to connect; Modem speeds

July 1995: A fast modem may not be enough; Hardware limitations; Software limitations; Is it worth the trouble?; Browser trick increases speed

September 1995: New RTG software product (RTG Names); Windows 95

December 1995: The slow Pentium Pro; Pentium prices; Buying a PC


"Classic" Back Issues

November 1984: New computer chips; Word processing guide: cursor movement; WordStar tip: changing an indented paragraph; Future topics

July 1988: UNIX and MS-DOS; Common UNIX commands and their MS-DOS equivalents

January 1991: Softfile: a memory enhancer; Storing free-form text; Hypertext links; Retrieving information; Softfile availability

March 1991: How much does a PC cost?; Inexact Softfile searches

November 1992: The DOS PATH command; Storing data files; Organizing documents; Document management programs

July 1993: WordPerfect tip: document backup; Removing backup files; Details of the fax server

September 1993: Foolproof data backup; Is your data safe?; Local hard disk backup; Daily floppy backup; Automated backup

November 1993: A simple WordPerfect tip; WordPerfect graphics tip; Graphic in document; Graphic on disk; Where is the graphic?; Restoring files from a backup; Is your MS-DOS legal?

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