Q: What are the system requirements for RTG Bills Online?
A: Obviously, you need Internet access. There are only two additional requirements:
- An up-to-date Web browser
- A PDF viewer installed in the Web browser
1. Web browser
Because RTG Bills Online works exclusively in your Web browser, the requirements have to do with the browser itself, not your computer.
We test RTG Bills Online with the current versions of the following browsers:
- Mozilla Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
- Google Chrome
- Apple Safari (on Apple devices)
Others may work, but they are not tested. Most of our testing is done using Firefox on Windows, Chrome on Android tablets, and Safari on iPad tablets.
In addition, the browser settings must permit the following features to work:
- JavaScript
JavaScript is a feature that allows our software to work inside your browser. (Microsoft calls it active scripting.)
- Cookies
Cookies are small chunks of information stored temporarily on your computer by the software. They allow the software to remember that you have signed in and to know what you are doing as you move from page to page.
- Pop-Up Windows
Every page has a Help button or Help link to provide context-sensitive help. The help information is presented in a pop-up window, so you can see the help text, and the page it refers to, at the same time.
Sometimes people turn off these features because they fear malicious software will abuse them. However, modern browsers should keep you safe while allowing each feature to work.
Is your browser ready for RTG Bills Online? Try our
browser test page.
2. PDF viewer
Bills and reports are created as PDF documents in a new browser window.
Your browser must allow the new window to open, and it must be able to display the PDF document. The PDF viewer, in addition to displaying the bill or report, should allow you to save it as a file on your computer or print it on your printer.
When RTG Bills Online first opens a new window for a PDF document, the browser will usually try to block that action. You should be offered the ability to permanently allow such windows for the RTG Web site. Once you accept that choice, you should not be bothered again when a new window is opened.