Frequently Asked Questions for RTG Bills



RTG Bills

Q: What's the difference between RTG Bills and RTG Bills Online?

A: RTG Bills is a Windows PC program. You install it on your PC and it works entirely on the PC.

RTG Bills Online is a service that you access with your Web browser. You don't need to install any software, so you can use it from any computer that has Internet access.

With RTG Bills Online, all of your data is stored on the RTG server. Upgrades are handled by RTG and require no action on your part.

As far as features, both RTG Bills Online and RTG Bills on a PC are very similar. If you have been using RTG Bills on a PC, all of your data can be converted to RTG Bills Online.

We like to think of RTG Bills Online as the next generation of RTG Bills: RTG Bills Version 3.

Read about RTG Bills

Timer Online

Q: How do RTG Bills Online and RTG Timer Online differ?

A: If you are familiar with the PC programs, RTG Bills Online is like RTG Bills on a PC and RTG Timer Online is like RTG Timer on a PC.

RTG Bills Online is a complete timekeeping and billing system. You can enter fees and expenses, enter client payments, and print client bills. It offers a wide variety of reports.

RTG Timer Online is used for entering fees and expenses. That's all it does, so it is much simpler. If you have users who should only enter fees and expenses, you can give them access to RTG Timer Online but not RTG Bills Online.

RTG Timer Online was originally designed to work with RTG Bills on a PC. It allows remote users to enter fees and expenses into a Web browser. When they release those items for billing, they can be downloaded into RTG Bills on a PC.

Now RTG Timer Online can be used with either RTG Bills Online or RTG Bills on a PC. When used with RTG Bills Online, released items are copied into the RTG Bills Online database.

If you subscribe to RTG Bills Online, you automatically get access to RTG Timer Online, too.

Read about RTG Timer Online

Email bills

Q: Can I send bills by email?

A: Yes. First print the bills normally. Then use Reprint Bills for Email to create a PDF file for each bill and, optionally, email it to the client.

There is some initial setup needed, as explained in this slide show:

Email Bills to Clients - Part 1

The detailed steps for sending email are explained in this slide show:

Email Bills to Clients - Part 2

There are two special cases:

  1. Microsoft: You must enable SMTP AUTH in order to use the Office 365 email server. Instructions are here.
  2. Google: Special email settings are required to use the Gmail server. Instructions are here.

You do not need RTG E-Bills to send bills by email. E-bills are specially-formatted bills designed to be read by other software.


Mac/Linux version

Q: Is there a Mac or Linux version of RTG Bills Online?

A: No special version is required. RTG Bills Online works well with any modern Web browser.

Since there is no software installed on the computer, the operating system (Windows, Macintosh, or Linux) does not matter. What does matter is the Web browser.

Users vs.

Q: Is a user the same thing as a timekeeper?

A: No. A user is a person who uses RTG Bills Online. A timekeeper is a person whose time is being tracked.

An attorney who enters his or her own time is both a user and a timekeeper. However, a legal assistant who only enters time for attorneys is a user but not a timekeeper.

A subscription to RTG Bills Online for one user is $15.95 per month. It does not limit the number of timekeepers. As the number of users increases, the incremental cost for each user is less. See the price list.

Users must be registered with RTG. That means that RTG will enter the user information into the RTG Bills Online database.


Q: What are the system requirements for RTG Bills Online?

A: Obviously, you need Internet access. There are only two additional requirements:
  1. An up-to-date Web browser
  2. A PDF viewer installed in the Web browser
1. Web browser
Because RTG Bills Online works exclusively in your Web browser, the requirements have to do with the browser itself, not your computer.

We test RTG Bills Online with the current versions of the following browsers:
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Google Chrome
  • Apple Safari (on Apple devices)
Others may work, but they are not tested. Most of our testing is done using Firefox on Windows, Chrome on Android tablets, and Safari on iPad tablets.

In addition, the browser settings must permit the following features to work:
  1. JavaScript
    JavaScript is a feature that allows our software to work inside your browser. (Microsoft calls it active scripting.)

  2. Cookies
    Cookies are small chunks of information stored temporarily on your computer by the software. They allow the software to remember that you have signed in and to know what you are doing as you move from page to page.

  3. Pop-Up Windows
    Every page has a Help button or Help link to provide context-sensitive help. The help information is presented in a pop-up window, so you can see the help text, and the page it refers to, at the same time.
Sometimes people turn off these features because they fear malicious software will abuse them. However, modern browsers should keep you safe while allowing each feature to work.

Is your browser ready for RTG Bills Online? Try our browser test page.

2. PDF viewer
Bills and reports are created as PDF documents in a new browser window.

Your browser must allow the new window to open, and it must be able to display the PDF document. The PDF viewer, in addition to displaying the bill or report, should allow you to save it as a file on your computer or print it on your printer.

When RTG Bills Online first opens a new window for a PDF document, the browser will usually try to block that action. You should be offered the ability to permanently allow such windows for the RTG Web site. Once you accept that choice, you should not be bothered again when a new window is opened.

Monthly fee

Q: How do I pay the monthly fee?

A: When you subscribe to RTG Bills Online, a PayPal subscription is created. The monthly fee is paid from a bank account or a credit card of your choice.

To update your credit card information, or change the funding source, see Update Subscription to RTG Bills/RTG Timer Online

Change users

Q: How do I change the number of users?

A: You can add or remove users, which will adjust the subscription price of the next payment. In RTG Bills Online, go to the Supervisor Menu. Choose Change Subscription in the Actions section.

Getting started

Q: I have a user name and password. Now what do I do?

A: There are a few things that need to be done before you can start entering fees and expenses. See RTG Bills Online: Getting Started.

Create e-bills

Q: Can I create e-bills in LEDES format?

A: Yes, you can add RTG E-Bills to your RTG Bills Online subscription. See How do I change the number of users?.

Cancel subscription

Q: How do I cancel my subscription?

A: You can cancel your subscription on the PayPal Web site. We provide detailed instructions.

Locked records

Q: I am getting a message that says, Another user is changing fees or expenses needed for billing. What should I do?

A: The message tells you that you cannot create a bill or prebill because a record is locked by another user.

When you are editing a client, matter, retainer account, fee, expense, payment, or adjustment, that record is locked to prevent other users from changing it. When you click Save or Cancel, the record is unlocked.

The message could be correct and another user is editing a record. You can't create a bill, for example, if another user is editing a fee that could appear on that bill. In that case, wait for the other user to finish editing the record.

There is, however, another possibility. If something goes wrong while you are editing a record (you close the browser, the computer crashes, your RTG Bills session times out, etc.) and you don't click Save or Cancel, the record will be left locked.

You can fix the problem with Unlock Records on the Supervisor Menu. The Unlock Firm Transactions button will unlock fees, expenses, payments, and adjustments. The Unlock Other Firm Records button will unlock clients, matters, and retainer accounts.

Email errors

Q: Why do I get errors when sending email?

A: If you can send some bills by email (Reprint Bills for Email), but then an error occurs, you are probably sending email faster than your ISP allows.

ISPs usually limit the number of messages you can send in a given time period. That period might be one minute, one hour, one day, or some combination.

You can slow down the rate at which RTG Bills Online sends email:
Supervisor Menu > Settings > Edit Email Settings
For example, Office 365 has a limit of 30 emails per minute (subject to change at any time, of course). Set the Pause between messages to at least 2 seconds to satisfy this limit.

If you are sending many emails, you may also need to send them in batches. To avoid a per-hour limit of 100 messages, for example, set the Batch size to less than 100 (to allow for normal email) and set the Delay between batches to 60 minutes.
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