Cancel Subscription to RTG Online

How to Cancel

Subscriptions to RTG Online are handled by PayPal. If you wish to cancel your subscription, you should go to the PayPal Web site:

Go to PayPal Web site

Personal Account

  1. Log in to your PayPal account.

  2. Click the Settings icon (a gear) next to the Log out button.

  3. Click the Payments tab.

  4. Click Preapproved payments.

  5. Click on the Merchant name, RTG Data Systems, in the list.

  6. On the "Subscription details" page, click the Cancel or Cancel Subscription button. Confirm when requested.

Business Account

  1. Log in to your PayPal account.

  2. Click the word Profile to the left of the Log Out button, then click Profile and settings.

  3. On the My Profile page, click My money in the left-hand column.

  4. On the right-hand side of the page, you will see a row labeled Automatic payments. Click Set Automatic Payments on the right side of that row.

  5. You will see a list of your subscriptions. Click on the Merchant name, RTG Data Systems, in the list.

  6. You should see a page that describes your subscription. Click the Cancel link on the Status row.

This procedure is subject to change by PayPal at any time. If you encounter any problems, please contact RTG.

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