Printing Labels With WordPerfect - 2

Merge Data And Form

You can use Corel WordPerfect to print the client names and addresses from RTG Bills on labels.
These instructions were tested with WordPerfect 8 (WP8) and WordPerfect 12 (WP12). Other versions should be similar.
The first step, exporting the client information from RTG Bills, was described here. The second step, importing the client names and addresses into WordPerfect as a "merge data file," was described here.

Now we are ready to merge the data file with a form document to produce mailing labels.

  1. With a blank document on the screen (Document1), choose Tools > Merge from the menu.
    • WP8: Click Create Document.
    • WP12: At the Merge window, click Form document, then click Create Form Document.

  2. You will see the Associate Form and Data window. Associate a data file should be selected. Click the folder icon and browse to find the data file created previously, or simply type in the name, such as
    C:\ProgramData\RTG\RTG Bills\address.txt
    Click OK.

  3. Choose Format > Labels from the menu. You will see the Labels window. Select a label definition, such as Avery 5160 Address, from the list and click Select.

  4. The screen will now show a blank label. Click the Insert Field button. You will see the Insert Field Name or Number window. Select name from the list and click Insert. Notice that the label now shows Field(name).

  5. Press Enter to move the cursor to the next line of the label.

  6. In the Insert Field Name or Number window, select address from the list and click Insert and Close. This adds the address to the label and closes the window.

  7. We are ready to merge the addresses with the form document.
    • WP8: Click the Merge button on the toolbar. You will see the Perform Merge window. Click the Merge button.
    • WP12: The Merge window is still on the screen. Click the Merge button.

  8. The document on the screen should be the merged labels, ready to print. You can save the labels using File > Save As... or just print them now.

    When you close the document (Document2), you should see another document (Document1), which is the form that formats the labels. Save the form if you expect to print the same kind of labels again. Use the extension frm, which tells WordPerfect that it is a form document. For example, you might use the filename address.frm.

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