RTG Bills Upgrade Policy

Notice: Upgrade Deadline!

Elimination of reduced-price upgrades for RTG Bills
As of May 15, 2023 we will no longer offer a reduced-price upgrade to RTG Bills V2.27 from older versions. If you have a version of RTG Bills between 2.01 and 2.26, you have until May 15 to upgrade.

We allowed plenty of time for upgrades: RTG Bills V2.27 was released in September 2000!


Paid Upgrades

We urge you to use the most recent version of RTG Bills and RTG Timer at all times.

Once you have purchased a license for RTG Bills and RTG Timer Version 2 (i.e., Version 2.01 or later), you can:

The "upgrade" is the full program. Only the cost differs from an initial purchase.


Free Upgrades

To encourage you to use the latest version, we offer free upgrades under certain circumstances. We currently offer a free upgrade if you have purchased a license key within the past year.

The free upgrade period begins on the date of purchase. It ends at the end of the same date, one year later.

By "free upgrade" we mean that we will email you a license key for the current version of RTG Bills. It is your responsibility to:


This policy goes into effect with the release of RTG Bills and RTG Timer Version 2.20. It is subject to change at any time.

This policy was updated on March 24, 2023 to reflect the elimination of reduced-price upgrades on May 15, 2023.



We send email messages to everyone on the RTG announcement list, announcing each new version. We encourage you to keep your email address up-to-date. You can remove an old email address from the list ("unsubscribe"), or add a new one to the list ("join"), at any time.

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