RTG Conflicts Frequently Asked Questions

RTG Conflicts FAQ

These are the Frequently Asked Questions for RTG Conflicts.

If your question does not appear here, feel free to contact RTG with your question.


Windows versions

Q: Is RTG Conflicts compatible with Windows 7/8/10/11?

A: Yes, it works with Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11. We recommend Windows 10 or 11.


Network version

Q: Is there a network version of RTG Conflicts?

A: There is only one version of RTG Conflicts. Yes, it is network-compatible.

We don't have a single-user version and a separate multi-user version. RTG Conflicts is always multi-user, which means that several people can use the program at the same time.

However, you need a User License for each user. One license is supplied with the purchase of RTG Conflicts. If more than one person will use the software, you need to purchase additional User Licenses. You'll find further information here.

Network installation instructions are here.


Relational database

Q: What is a relational database?

A: RTG Conflicts uses a relational database to store your data. A relational database is an efficient, reliable way to store information.

In a relational database, information is stored in tables. Each table is similar to a spreadsheet: it has rows, which are called records, and columns, which are called fields. For example, a client record contains fields for the client number, the client name, and so on.

What makes a database relational is that the records in different tables are related by shared fields. For example, a fee transaction record is related to a client record by having the same value of the client number field in both records.

The word database is commonly used in three different ways. It may refer to:

  1. the software used by a program to "talk" to the data (e.g., the Microsoft Jet database engine);

  2. the file or files that contain the data (e.g., Rtgconf.mdb);

  3. an application program for manipulating data (e.g., Microsoft Access).

RTG Conflicts uses the Microsoft Jet database engine, which is the same database software supplied with Microsoft Access. However, we do not use Microsoft Access itself. The RTG Conflicts database is stored in the file Rtgconf.mdb.


One matter, several clients

Q: How do I enter a matter that has several clients?

A: When you enter a new matter, RTG Conflicts lets you choose a single client to associate with that matter.

Your matters may have multiple clients. To add another client to the same matter, you need a new code. You might define the code ADDLCLT for additional client. Enter this description:

Additional client in matter

and this reverse description:

Additional client
For the Role, choose Related and for Related To, choose Matter.

The ADDLCLT code allows you to relate a party (the additional client) to a matter. Edit the matter and enter a new relationship to connect the additional client to the matter.

Note that you cannot add a CLIENT code to the list of relationships for a matter. The reason is that the code CLIENT has a Related To value of Neither. That means it describes a party, but it cannot relate a party to another party, or a party to a matter.

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