RTG Names Frequently Asked Questions


Some questions are asked again and again. Look here for the answers.

  1. Import from RTG Bills

  2. Multiple address lists

Import from RTG Bills

Q: Can I import the client names and addresses from RTG Bills into RTG Names? What about names and addresses in other programs?

A: Yes, RTG Names imports text files containing names and addresses. The imported names are added to the existing names, so you can combine names from more than one source.

If you want to replace all the existing names with the imported names, exit from RTG Names and delete the database file (Rtgnames.mdb). Then start RTG Names again and it will create a blank database. Import the names.

RTG Bills can export the complete client list in the proper format. Then you can import the names into RTG Names. However, there is a better way.

If both RTG Bills and RTG Names are on the same computer, or if you have a network connection to the RTG Bills database, you can use the synchronize feature. RTG Names can read the RTG Bills client list directly. Changes to existing clients will be copied into RTG Names. New clients will be added to RTG Names.

You can import names and addresses from programs other than RTG Bills if they can create a standard text file (an ASCII file) in the proper format. In word processing programs you would normally use the Merge feature to do this. In a database program you would create a report.

The format required by RTG Names is described in the RTG Names help file. Start RTG Names and choose:

Help > Contents > Menu Commands > Import


Multiple address lists

Q: Can I have more than one name and address list?

A: Yes, with a little effort to set it up.

Each address list will be stored in a separate file. The default filename is Rtgnames.mdb and this is the list you see if you double-click the program file (Rtgnames.exe) to start RTG Names.

The trick is to create a separate shortcut (icon) for each address list and to specify the name of the list on the command line.

In order to do this, right-click on an empty spot on the Desktop and choose New > Shortcut from the menu. A wizard asks for the location of the program. Click Browse and look for the RTG Names program, Rtgnames.exe. By default it will be in:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Rtgnames

When you find it, click on the program and click the OK button. Click Next.

Type a name for the shortcut. You should identify the list that you want to create. For example, it might say Contacts. This is the label that will appear below the shortcut. Click Finish.

At this point you have a shortcut that will start RTG Names, but it still uses the default database. Right-click the shortcut and choose Properties.

On the Shortcut tab, put the cursor anywhere in the Target box. Press the End key on your keyboard, press the space bar, and type in the name of the address list you wish to create. Choose an 8-character DOS filename (not a "long" filename) and do not enter a period or file extension. For example:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Rtgnames\Rtgnames.exe" Contacts

Click OK to save these changes.

The rest is easy. When you double-click this icon, RTG Names will ask if you want to create a new database. Choose Yes. You now have an empty address list into which you can type (or import) your list of contacts.

You don't have to leave the icon on the desktop. You can drag and drop it into any folder, including the RTG Names folder, if you wish.

When you use this icon to start RTG Names, you will see the database name in parentheses on the title bar, so you can see at a glance which database you are using. Choices you make in Setup will only apply to this database.

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