R090802: Shorthand codes in RTG Timer Online


When you upload RTG Bills data to RTG Timer Online, shorthand codes are not included.

In RTG Bills, each user has a separate list of shorthand codes. Each RTG Timer user also has a separate list of shorthand codes.

Similarly, in RTG Timer Online, each user has a separate list of shorthand codes.

Although the shorthand codes are not included when you upload RTG Bills data, it is possible to copy the codes from RTG Bills or RTG Timer to RTG Timer Online. You must do this separately for each user.



Two steps are required to copy a list of shorthand codes from RTG Bills or RTG Timer to RTG Timer Online. The first step is to export the codes to a file, and the second step is to upload that file to RTG Timer Online.

To export codes from RTG Bills, do this:

File > Export > Shorthand Codes > For RTG Timer Online

You will see the Export To RTG Timer Online window. In the lower-right corner of the window you will see the current RTG Bills user (Supervisor if the security system is turned off) and the number of shorthand codes.

Click the Desktop button, then click Export. This will put the file short.xfr on your Windows Desktop.

To export codes from RTG Timer instead, do this:

File > Export > Shorthand Codes

or (in some versions of RTG Timer):

File > Import/Export > Export Shorthand Codes

You will see the Export To RTG Timer Online window. In the lower-right corner of the window you will see the number of shorthand codes.

Click the Desktop button, then click Export. This will put the file short.xfr on your Windows Desktop.

At this point, whether you exported from RTG Bills or RTG Timer, you should have the file short.xfr on your Windows Desktop. Now you are ready to upload this file to RTG Timer Online.

Sign in to RTG Timer Online. On the RTG Timer Menu, in the Shorthand Codes section, click Import Codes.

On the Import Shorthand Codes page, click the Choose File button and locate the file short.xfr on your Windows Desktop. Click the Begin button.

The Imported Codes page will show the results. First, it should say that the file was uploaded to the server. That does not mean that the codes were accepted, however. Errors may occur when RTG Timer Online tries to add the codes to its database.

A typical error message looks like this:

ERROR: Could not store code 'TCW'

Usually this means that you already have that code in your list of shorthand codes. The uploaded codes will not replace codes that are already in RTG Timer Online.

Each RTG Timer Online user has a separate list of shorthand codes. If you want other users to have the same list of shorthand codes, sign out and let another user sign in. Choose Import Codes again, uploading the same codes each time.


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