R070402: Fix Bills or Timer Database


These instructions only apply to RTG Bills and RTG Timer Version 2.17 through 2.25. For later versions, see Repair Bills or Timer Database. For earlier versions, see Invalid use of Null.

Sometimes problems can occur in the RTG Bills or RTG Timer database. The cause might be a hardware problem, a software crash, or even a bug in RTG's software.

Certain problems are easily fixed with software that you can download by following the instructions on this page.

One such problem is the error message Invalid use of Null, which may occur when you try to edit a matter, fee, expense, payment, or adjustment. It also may occur when you try to view or print a bill, a prebill, or a report. When you click OK in response to the error message, RTG Bills exits.

This problem occurs when a record in the database contains bad data. A field in the record contains Null, which in database terminology means that the field was not given any value.

A few other problems can also be fixed by this software. RTG will refer you to this page if we believe the software described here can solve a problem for you.


Solution for
RTG Bills

You will install a small program that fixes bad database records. It puts appropriate "default" values in the fields that now contain Null. It also checks and may repair several other problems.

  1. Back up your data. We recommend using File > Backup in RTG Bills. If anything goes wrong, you can restore your data using File > Restore From Backup.

  2. All users should exit from RTG Bills and RTG Timer.

  3. Start RTG Bills. If you have Windows Vista, 7, or 8, right-click the shortcut and choose Run as administrator. When RTG Bills appears, choose:

    File > Update > Yes > Check The Internet For Updates

  4. Ignore the list of updates. Click the Other button.

  5. You should see a window entitled Enter An Update Number. In the box, type the number 400. Click OK.

  6. You should now see that Update number 400 has been added to the list of updates. It should have a checkmark next to it. Click Install to install this update.

  7. If the update is successful, the program will tell you that one update was applied. Click OK, Close, and Close again.

  8. Start RTG Bills again. Choose File > Tools from the menu. You should see Fix RTG Bills Database in the list of tools. Select it and click OK.

  9. The program should appear, with the title Fix RTG Bills Database. Click the Fix Database button.

  10. Choose File > Exit to leave the program.

Questions about this procedure should be directed to RTG Support.


Solution for
RTG Timer

The database problems described above for RTG Bills rarely occur in RTG Timer. However, if a problem does occur, we have a program to fix it.

You will install a small program that fixes bad database records. It puts appropriate "default" values in the fields that now contain Null.

  1. Back up your data. We recommend using File > Backup in RTG Timer. If anything goes wrong, you can restore your data using File > Restore From Backup.

  2. Start RTG Timer. If you have Windows Vista, 7, or 8, right-click the shortcut and choose Run as administrator. When RTG Timer appears, choose:

    File > Update > Yes > Check The Internet For Updates

  3. Ignore the list of updates. Click the Other button.

  4. You should see a window entitled Enter An Update Number. In the box, type the number 415. Click OK.

  5. You should now see that Update number 415 has been added to the list of updates. It should have a checkmark next to it. Click Install to install this update.

  6. If the update is successful, the program will tell you that one update was applied. Click OK, Close, and Close again.

  7. Start RTG Timer again. Choose File > Tools from the menu. You should see Fix RTG Timer Database in the list of tools. Select it and click OK.

  8. The program should appear, with the title Fix RTG Timer Database. Choose:

    File > Fix Fees and Expenses

  9. Choose File > Exit to leave the program.

Questions about this procedure should be directed to RTG Support.


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