RTG Bills Version 2.16

Version 2.16

RTG Bills Version 2.16 fixes a few problems with the previous version. (Released January 24, 2006.)


Changes In This Version

  1. Client Range
    You can now print an Alphabetical Client List for a range of client abbreviations.

  2. Reprint As PDF
    If you regularly create PDF files for certain bills, you should edit each matter and check the box, Reprint Bills As PDF Files, on the PDF tab. Then you can choose Bills > Reprint As PDF, select All Matters, and PDF files are created for those matters that have the box checked.

    New in this version is the ability to create a PDF file for one bill without checking the Reprint Bills As PDF Files box on the PDF tab. When you choose Bills > Reprint As PDF and select One Matter, RTG Bills will create a PDF file for the most recent bill of the selected matter.

How To Get RTG Bills

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    You'll find complete ordering information on the Orders page. Just follow the link or click Orders at the bottom of any page.

  • If you have RTG Bills Version 2...
    You can order RTG Bills and RTG Timer for a reduced price. Click here to order.
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