RTG Bills Version 2.12

Version 2.12

RTG Bills Version 2.12 includes several major new features. It also fixes minor problems with previous releases. (Released July 12, 2004.)


Changes In This Version

  1. Edit Viewed Bills
    Suppose you are viewing a bill and you see a mistake in a fee entry. Just double-click the item to edit it! When you save your changes, RTG Bills will update the bill and display it.

    You can also double-click the matter name to edit the matter. For example, you might want to edit the matter name to correct a typo, or you could change to a different bill format. Watch the slide show.

  2. Edit Viewed Reports
    Many reports will now let you double-click an item on the report to edit it. Depending upon the report, you can edit fees, expenses, payments, adjustments, clients, matters, retainer accounts, and codes.

    Some items, such as billed fees, cannot be edited. You can still view the item to get more details than the report shows, such as a billing rate or an item number.

  3. Reprint as PDF and Email the Bill
    After you print the bills, choose Reprint As PDF to create a bill in PDF format. You can even have RTG Bills send the bill to the client as an email attachment.

    You decide, for each matter, whether to create a PDF file from the bill and, if so, whether to email it to the client automatically.

  4. RTG Review Creates PDF Files
    RTG Review was introduced in Version 2.11 to enable Print To File to maintain the original formatting of a bill or report. RTG Review lets you view or print a saved file at any time. However, you need RTG Review to read these files.

    Now we have enhanced RTG Review with a Save As PDF feature. Any file that was saved in RTG Review format can be saved as a PDF file, meaning that almost anyone with a computer can read it.

    For example, first save a historical bill in RTG Review format in RTG Bills using Print To File. Then use RTG Review to save it as a PDF file. Now you can email the bill to a client.

  5. Bills and Prebills for One Timekeeper
    Now you can print the bills or prebills for one billing timekeeper. Previously you could print the bills or prebills and group them by billing timekeeper, but you had to print them all (or limit them to a range of matters).

  6. Skip Prebills With No Balance Due
    As an option, you can eliminate the printing of prebills that have no balance due and no new fees and expenses. This option may be useful if you have many matters whose only activity is a payment that pays the balance in full.

  7. Staggered Billing
    The simplest way to bill is to set the Billing Cycle of every matter to Month and to send all the bills at once. However, if you have a large number of matters to bill, you may need to organize your billing so that the workload is spread throughout the month. That's what we mean by staggered billing.

    New billing cycles, Group A through Group F, can be used to organize matters into groups that can be billed throughout the month. You decide how many groups to use and which matters should go in each group.

  8. Minimize RTG Timer to System Tray
    When you minimize RTG Timer, it still takes up space on the taskbar. As an option, you can now have it appear in the system tray instead. The system tray, also known as the notification area, is the region of the screen normally found at the bottom right corner, to the left of the clock.

    A single click on the stopwatch icon in the system tray will restore RTG Timer to its previous position on the screen.

  9. Fees and Expenses on Hold by Timekeeper
    This is a new report in both RTG Bills and RTG Timer. It shows fees and expenses whose Status you have changed from Bill to Hold. Use this report as a reminder, so you don't overlook those transactions when it is time to print bills.

How To Get RTG Bills

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  • If you have RTG Bills Version 2...
    You can order RTG Bills and RTG Timer for a reduced price. Click here to order.
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