R190401: A new server for RTG Timer Online


RTG is moving RTG Timer Online to a new, more capable server during April 2019. In order for RTG Bills on a PC to be able to communicate with this new server, it is necessary to update the RTG Bills software. This page discusses the necessary steps.


RTG Update

In order to get the updated software, the software RTG Bills uses to install updates, RTG Update, must be current. If you have installed RTG Bills V2.27g, then you have the current version of RTG Update and you can skip to the next section.

If you do not have RTG Bills V2.27g, but you have RTG Bills V2.27 with another letter, or no letter, you can install RTG Bills V2.27g. The same license is valid. Download the installer here:


If you do not have RTG Bills V2.27, you can buy a license and upgrade to V2.27g, or you can download an installer for the current version of RTG Update here:


Once you have the current version of RTG Update installed, you can proceed to the next step.



RTG Bills uses two programs to communicate with RTG Timer Online. One program uploads RTG Bills data to RTG Timer Online. The other program downloads released items from RTG Timer Online. Both programs have been packaged as a single update.

If you have RTG Bills V2.21 or later (with any letter, or no letter), install update 538, Communicate with RTG Timer Online. You will see this choice in the list of updates. Detailed instructions for installing an update are here:




After you have installed update 538, you are ready for the change to the new server. In the meantime, the new software will work properly with the old server.

When the time comes to switch to the new server, change the server number in RTG Bills:

Setup > RTG Timer Online

Set the server number to 3. Presumably the user name and password for RTG Timer Online were entered previously.

You should now be able to communicate with RTG Timer Online using the menu choices in RTG Bills:

File > RTG Timer Online > Upload RTG Bills Data

File > RTG Timer Online > Download Released Items



Questions about this procedure should be sent to RTG.


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