Look Up Bill Number


Do clients sometimes send you a payment that shows the bill number instead of the matter number? In order to enter the payment, you need the matter number.

Note: RTG Bills can include the bill number on each bill. When you are editing the sections of the bill format, click the Header 1 tab and you will see a checkbox, Show Bill Number.

We offer a simple program, RTG Bills Lookup, that lets you enter the bill number and then displays the matter number, bill date, client name, and matter name.



RTG Bills Lookup is installed using RTG Update. Right-click the RTG Bills icon and choose Run as administrator. When RTG Bills starts, sign in as Supervisor and choose:

File > Update > Yes

to start RTG Update. Click Check The Internet For Updates and look for the update that says RTG Bills Lookup. Put a check next to that entry and click Install.

RTG Bills Lookup runs separately from RTG Bills. You can start it by choosing File > Tools and double-clicking RTG Bills Lookup in the list.


The Lookup Program

Type in a bill number, then press Enter or click the Find button. If the number you entered is a bill, the matter number, bill date, client name, and matter name will be displayed.

The program has one additional feature. When it finds a bill, it copies the matter number to the Windows clipboard. That allows you to paste the matter number into RTG Bills using the standard Windows command, Ctrl-V, so you don't have to type the matter number.

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