To get your Timeslips client data into RTG Bills, you need to create a User-Defined Report in Timeslips. The precise details will vary somewhat depending on which version of Timeslips you have.
Clie.Nickname 1
Clie.Nickname 2
Clie.Full Name
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
Address Line 4
Client City, State Zip
Phone Number 1
Phone Number 2
In Reference To
Fee Balance
Cost Balance
Save this report and name it rtgcsv.
Run the report and save the output in a file named tortg.csv. Save it on the Desktop or somewhere else where you can easily find it.
The next step is to read the Timeslips data using RTG Bills Convert, which is described here:
Reading Timeslips Data
You must use the following settings:
These settings are necessary to read the data properly. The other settings (Conversion Date, Conversion Type, and Matter Address) are up to you. They only affect how the information is stored in RTG Bills, not how it is read.
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