RTG Bills On The Web

Billing Made Easy ®

This special page will help you find useful information about RTG Bills and RTG Timer on the RTG Web site.

On this page:


Order RTG Bills

If you are currently using RTG Bills during the free trial period, you can purchase a license for $95.


Upgrade RTG Bills

We offer a free license for the current version for one year after you purchase a license for RTG Bills. See Upgrading RTG Bills.

Even if you don't qualify for a free upgrade, you can upgrade to the latest version of RTG Bills and RTG Timer for a reduced price. Purchase a license key for the latest version for $20. See RTG Bills Version 2 Upgrade.


Should I upgrade?

We always recommend using the latest version. To help you decide, look at the New Features in RTG Bills and the Known Problems in RTG Bills.


More information

Slide Shows: Our slide shows demonstrate RTG Bills in action. Some of them describe features that you might not have noticed as you used RTG Bills.

How-To Guides: Each guide illustrates the steps needed to perform one task in RTG Bills.

Network Installation: Wondering how to install RTG Bills and RTG Timer on your network? Read all the technical details here. The discussion includes peer-to-peer and server-based networks.

Standalone Operation: Remote users and portable computer users can use RTG Timer without a direct connection to RTG Bills. We call that standalone operation.


Add-on products

RTG Timer licenses
Will you enter fees and expenses for more than one timekeeper into RTG Timer? If so, you'll need additional Timer licenses.

RTG Conflicts
Search for conflicts of interest before you take on a new matter. Imports your clients and matters from RTG Bills. Only $95.

RTG E-Bills for electronic billing
Are your clients asking you to send bills in a special electronic format? You need RTG E-Bills! Only $199, far less than others charge.

RTG Scripts
RTG Scripts creates scripts to automatically generate reports. It also comes with a script to check for missing data in your database, a script to release transactions from RTG Timer, and more.


Free software

Custom Reports, RTG Report Editor, UK Dictionary: These add-on products can be installed by RTG Update. Choose File > Update from the RTG Bills menu.

RTG Names: A name and address program that synchronizes with the client list in RTG Bills

Import Contacts: Imports client information from the contact list in Microsoft Outlook.

RTG Bills Lookup: Accepts a bill number and looks up the matter number

RTG Bills Import: Imports fees and expenses into RTG Bills from another program (for example, a case management program such as Time Matters* or Amicus Attorney*)



No software is perfect, not even RTG Bills. If you encounter a problem, you might like to find out if it is a known issue with the program. Check the Known Problems in RTG Bills.

If you don't find what you are looking for, try these links:

Still puzzled? Send a message to RTG.

Billing Made Easy, RTG Bills, RTG Timer, RTG Conflicts, RTG Names, Softfile, and The Amazing Portal Generator are trademarks of RTG Data Systems. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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