Getting Started with RTG Conflicts Online

1. Introduction

RTG Conflicts helps you find conflicts of interest.

RTG Conflicts stores parties and matters. Your clients are parties. Parties can also be any other people, companies, or organizations. Matters are the "cases" or "files" that represent the work you do for your clients.

RTG Conflicts can also store relationships between the parties and matters. For example, you can store the fact that John Doe is the opponent in a particular matter.


2. Permitting Access

RTG Conflicts Online is available to all firms that have a subscription to RTG Bills Online. There is no additional cost.

A Supervisor can decide which users will have access to RTG Conflicts Online. Sign in to RTG Bills Online, go to the Supervisor Menu, and choose Edit Users:

Supervisor Menu > Actions > Edit Users

Select a user. On the Edit a User page, check the box, Enable RTG Conflicts, to allow the user access to RTG Conflicts. Click Save to save this change.


3. Signing In

Assuming you are a user who has been given access to RTG Conflicts Online, sign in now:

Sign in to RTG Conflicts Online (opens a new tab)

Use the exact same user name and password that you use for RTG Bills Online.

Once you have signed in, we suggest that you read the tutorial:

RTG Conflicts Menu > Links > RTG Conflicts Tutorial

The tutorial will explain how RTG Conflicts works. It also describes how to import your clients, matters, and timekeepers from RTG Bills Online into RTG Conflicts Online.


4. Sign out

When you are finished using RTG Conflicts Online, you should sign out. Signing out ensures that no one else can gain access to RTG Conflicts Online by using your computer and pretending to be you.

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