Q: How can I tell where RTG Timer is installed?
A: Start RTG Timer and choose File > Update > Yes to start RTG Update. Click the Details button. At the top of the Details window, you will see the Program location and the Data location.
Click Close to leave this window, then Close to exit from RTG Update.
Note 1:
The standard program location for RTG Timer Version 2 is:
C:\Program Files\Rtgbills
For RTG Timer Version 2.17 and above we recommend you use this location, whether or not you are installing RTG Timer on a network.
The standard location for Version 1 was C:\Rtgbills, so if you originally had Version 1, even if you've upgraded to Version 2, it might still be in the old location.
Note 2:
The standard data location for RTG Bills Version 2.17 and above is:
For Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\RTG\RTG Bills\
For Windows Vista and Windows 7/8/10:
C:\ProgramData\RTG\RTG Bills\
These are hidden folders. You can change a setting in Windows to make them visible.
However, if you have a network, the data may be in a folder on the network. There must be a separate folder for each RTG Timer user. For example, it might be in the folder \\MyServer\Rtgbills\User1, where Rtgbills is a folder somewhere on the network and MyServer is the name of the file server where it is located.
Note 3:
Prior to RTG Timer Version 2.17, the programs and data were always located in the same place. For a non-networked computer, that location was likely to be:
C:\Program Files\Rtgbills
That won't work under Vista or Windows 7/8/10. They don't allow ordinary programs like RTG Timer to write in the Program Files folder. The data files must be moved elsewhere.
For a networked computer, RTG Timer could be in that same location on the local hard disk (and with RTG Bills on the network). Or the RTG Timer location could be somewhere on the network, such as \\MyServer\Rtgbills\User1.
The program files must now be on the local hard disk. Only the data files should be on the network.