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Importing clients

Q: Can I import client names and addresses into RTG Bills from another application?

A: Yes, this feature is available from within RTG Bills.  To import contacts from Microsoft Outlook, follow these instructions:

To import client and matter information from any other application, start RTG Bills and choose:

File > Import > Client Names and Addresses

If this menu choice is grayed-out, see Note 1 below.

You will see the Import Clients into RTG Bills window. Click the Help button for further details.

This feature can be used to add new clients or to update existing clients with new information.


Note 1: Installation Instructions

If the Client Names and Addresses menu choice is grayed-out, you must install the software first.

Start RTG Bills by right-clicking the icon and choosing Run as administrator.  From the RTG Bills menu, choose:

File > Update > Yes

to begin the update program (RTG Update). Click Check The Internet For Updates and look for the update that says Import Clients into RTG Bills. Install that update.