Q: Is there a network version of RTG Bills and RTG Timer?
A: There is only one version of RTG Bills and RTG Timer. Yes, it is network-compatible.
Unlike other products, we don't have a single-user version and a different, higher-cost, multi-user version. RTG Bills is always multi-user, which means that several people can use the program at the same time.
However, when many people will be entering fees and expenses, we recommend that you use RTG Timer instead of RTG Bills. RTG Timer is optimized for fee and expense entry - that's all it does. Because each person using RTG Timer has their own database, there is less chance that a computer crash at one PC will affect other users.
RTG Timer will also be faster when there are many users, because you won't have all the users trying to update the RTG Bills database at the same time. RTG Timer only updates the RTG Bills database when the user releases fees and expenses for billing. Most of the time, RTG Timer only reads the RTG Bills data, which is very fast.
RTG Bills can handle up to 255 timekeepers. You never have to buy additional "user licenses" for RTG Bills.
RTG Timer requires a separate license for each timekeeper. One timekeeper license is supplied with the purchase of RTG Bills and RTG Timer. So if fees and expenses for more than one person will be entered into RTG Timer, you need to purchase additional RTG Timer licenses. You'll find further information here.