RTG Bills Database Report


Timekeeper 1: Initials and abbreviation are the same
You should enter the correct initials of each timekeeper. The timekeeper initials appear on many reports. They may appear on the bills, too.
You should enter a timekeeper abbreviation for each timekeeper. The abbreviation determines the alphabetical order of the timekeepers, therefore it is usually the first four letters of the timekeeper's last name. Do not use the timekeeper's initials, because that will not alphabetize the timekeepers correctly.


Client 365: Name field is blank
Client 365: Abbreviation field begins with *
You should enter a name for each client.
You should enter a client abbreviation for each client. The abbreviation determines the alphabetical order of the clients.


Matter 342-2: Name field is blank
Matter 342-2: Abbreviation field is blank
You should enter a name for each matter.
You should enter a matter abbreviation for each matter. The abbreviation determines the alphabetical order of the matters.

Billing Rates

Rate table 3: Billing rate is zero for timekeeper 1
Billing Rate
Each rate table should have a non-zero billing rate for every timekeeper. However, one rate table with all zero rates is often created for flat fee matters.

Code Tables

Code Tables OK

Tax Tables

Tax Tables OK


Last backup: 5/26/2002 4:20:33 PM
Last compaction: 1/4/2002 11:48:02 AM
Last Compaction:
You have not compacted the database in more than 30 days. You should use the File, Compact Database command periodically.

End of Report