Q: Why is there a difference between the billed amount for a particular month on the report Total Fees Billed and Collected and the billed amount for the same month on the report Timekeeper Fees by Month?
A: The Timekeeper Fees by Month report is created from the fee transactions entered by each timekeeper. So it shows the work done during the month.
The Total Fees Billed and Collected is one of the fee allocation reports. The fees billed there come from the bill transactions (created when bills are printed) not from the fee transactions.
Typically, fees might be entered in one month and the bill for those fees would be printed the next month. So the same fees would appear in the Timekeeper Fees by Month report a month before they appear on the Total Fees Billed and Collected report. Of course, sometimes a bill might be printed in the same month as the fees, so comparing the two can be difficult.
In short, the difference arises because one report uses the date on the fee transactions and the other report uses the date on the bill.